You play as a nanobot that can create new bots or join together with existing bots to create a more powerful bot.

  1. Circle bots deal melee damage and increase your overall damage when joined
  2. Ranged bots shoot projectiles and give you projectiles for each ranged bot joined (+ passive projectiles)
  3. Heal bots heals surrounding bots and restores some life when joined
  4. AoE bots deal AoE damage but i didn't have time to implement joined functionality

When joined, you won't spawn new circle bots so there is a fine balance to know when to join together and when to split.

Keep in mind that you need to have circle bots to actually deal damage when merged since they only provide the damage! Even if you have ranged bots.

Game is created by Vahraz B.P Mostajir

Audio is copied over from Cellspace which was created by Alessandro Famà 

Made withUnity

Development log

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