//for some reason the game breaks by doing so

Sorry, really didn't have time for a tutorial so I'll try to explain it here as good as possible.

-----  TUTORIAL ----- 

- Exploring Mode-

When exploring, you throw the dices and see two flags on the tower, one red and one blue representing where your knight will go based on the dice throw. The banners have different icons for different events.

- Combat Mode -

You throw your dice to empower your two basic abilities, your attack and your defense. If you roll 3 for the red button (you can see the bars that represents the roll), you will deal 3 damage + whatever buffs and so on you have. Same thing with the defense.

You trigger your skills by choosing the right dice colors until the "bars" is full, and then you can trigger that skill by choosing the right dice color.

For example, if you have a skill with 2 red bars and 1 blue with red trigger symbol, you will enable it by attacking 2 times and defending 1 times, and then trigger it by using the red attack button.

-----  INFO -----

So this is my take on the GMTK 2022 with the theme "Roll of the dice". You navigate a knight trying to ascend a tower reaching far into the night sky. 

You have two dices that you throw in combat and when you explore. You can only choose one of the dice so choose wisely!

The game is actually inspired by one of my older jam games, the tower knight where I did the art and music myself for Ludum dare. But this time I decided to try to make a game with existing 3D models and SFX/music.

Thank you for playing! Let me know what you think!


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Very fun aesthetic, I could see this being a nice mobile game super easily!


Thank you!